
New acquaintances

I met some new people in the last two days.

Yesterday I went to Tokyu Square in nearby Hachioji to check out its international exchange corner. After reading some brochures I approached the reception lady. Apparently she's a close friend of the last Epson intern from Canada, Candy! Her name is Tsuneko. According to her, she acted like a mother to Candy. We chatted a bit, exchanged contacts, and then she left.

I lingered a bit and visited a volunteer club with a long name: Club of Children and Students Working Together for [a] Multicultural Society (CCS). I told them I wanted to join CCS. I was rejected because I'm working here and not studying here. Not all was bad however, as I met some people around my age who were volunteering there. Again, some new contacts, and this time I was first to leave.

Today I met two fellow gaijins on the stairs to my apartment. It seems easy to befriend other foreigners in Japan. I think it's because we share a lot of experiences here and are in similar situations, and voila - that's the important common ground.


Jason Yu said...

I think I'll leave this spam post for the humour it provides.

Let's all go be human beings!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Anonymous,

I would like $1,000,000,000,000 USD on interest-free credit, which I promise to pay back whenever I want (never). Thanks.


Your mom

Ambrose said...

So being "human" is to drive through liqour stores and get drunk so we can go home and watch pornography?

What a concept.

The guy should write a thesis on that, 'cause it goes against pretty much all philosophical and psychological views.

Theomnifish said...

Funny anonymous spammers.

Hmmm...so Club of Children and Students Working Together for [a] Multicultural Society gets abbreviated to only CCS? Awww...what was that game name that ended up being joking abbreviated to MoO2BaA?