
Preparation for the JLPT

The JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) on December 4th is drawing nearer...

I went to a language school in downtown Tokyo for a few weeks but that wasn't really helpful. I find the best thing to do now is just to practice the language: chatting with the natives, and listening to the news, etc.

I think I'm ready for it.


Anonymous said...

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Theomnifish said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Theomnifish said...

Begone spam poster! Eat this for attacking this blog:
Devouring Light

Anyways, I suggest that you turn on the word verification thingy for comments, to Meddling Mage other spam commenters from posting again.

That is a good strategy for practicing your Japanese sir. Good luck! :)

Jason Yu said...

Hmm, he doesn't seem to be advertising anything though...

Anyway, I'll go through the trouble of erasing the spam to save everyone the trouble of typing in the security words. I think it's more efficient that way, considering spam hits only about 1/5 of the posts, and people post about 5 comments on average.