
I'm Fultram, true story. (and other screenshots)

Skinner, the elegant UI mod.


Theomnifish said...

Cool! Hey, what dungeon was the last screenshot in? And thanks for helping to keep my char up to date. :P I've been getting too beasted after doing both Hawkins & Top Class in one day, that it's pretty hard to play. I just go home, and then eat dinner, finish off anything I have to do for tomorrow, and then just fall asleep. :P

Jason Yu said...

That dungeon is Karazhan. Fun place!

King said...

I don't know. WoW just drains too much time I think.

Blasphemy...I know. =p

Jason Yu said...

Oh it does, it does. I'm cutting back when law school starts. =P

モテる度チェッカー said...
